- 2011 - Doctor Habilitatus (PhD, DSc, Professor) (of Economic Science in the discipline of Economics) - university degree obtained at the Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics - SGH (title of postdoctoral thesis: National regional state aid in Special Economic Zones in Poland);
- 2000 - Doctor (PhD) (of Economic Science in the discipline of Economics) - university degree obtained at the Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics - SGH (title of PhD thesis: Adaptations and consequences of Poland's accession to the European Union in the field of the common commercial policy in industrial products);
- 2017 - Postgraduate Studies on the Agriculture (for non-agriculture graduates), Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW;
- 1996 - 1999 - Full-time doctoral studies at the Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics - SGH;
- 1996 - Master's degree (economic studies) - university degree obtained at the Warsaw School of Economics - SGH at the faculty: Foreign economic and political relations - specialization: European integration (title of Master's thesis: The economic situation of Poland in the face of the economic and monetary union);
- 1996 - Bachelor's degree (economic studies) - university degree obtained at the Warsaw School of Economics - SGH at the faculty: Foreign economic and political relations - specialization: European integration (title of Bachelor's thesis: Turkey's European integration aspiration in the light of the Mediterranean Policy of the European Union;
- 1996 - Certificate of the "European Studies" issued by the Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics - SGH;
- 1995 - Postgraduate Studies on the European integration, École - Nationale d'Admistration and the Government's Plenipotentiary for European integration and Foreign Assistance;
- 1991 - 1996 - Graduate (Bachelor and Master) studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, faculty: Foreign economic and political relations;
- 1987 - 1991 - XXVII Comprehensive Secondary School (T. Czacki High School) in Warsaw, Maths, Physics and ICT oriented class.
- 2012 - to date - SGH Professor (Associate Professor) in the Department of European Integration and Legal Studies (former Department of European integration - J. Monnet), Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2011 - to date - Member of the Science Board of the Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2000 - 2012 - Assistant Professor (Reader), Department of European Integration and Legal Studies (former Department of European integration - J. Monnet), Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 1997 - 2000 - Junior Lecturer (Assistant), Department of European Integration and Legal Studies (former Department of European integration - J. Monnet), Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 1996 - 1997 - Junior Lecturer (Assistant), Department of International Economics, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2020 - to date - Head of the Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2022 - to date - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Professional Public Procurement Staff, (1 edition), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2015 - to date - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Public Aid, (9 editions), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2011 - to date - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Administration and Management, (18 editions), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2015 - 2016 - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Consumer Protection, (1 edition), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2013 - 2015 - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Management of European Union funds 2014-2020 (2 editions), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2012 - 2014 - Head of the Full-time doctoral studies, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2008 - 2014 - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on the Evaluation of EU projects and programmes, (4 editions), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2007 - 2012 - Head of the Jean Monnet Action lectures in the form of European Module on European integration, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2006 - 2011 - Head of the Jean Monnet Action lectures in the form of European Module on The European Union as a player in international relations, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2005 - 2010 - Head of the Jean Monnet Action lectures in the form of European Module on The internal market of the EU - economic dimension, SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2004 - 2007 - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on Management of European Union funds for entrepreneurs within the European Management Skills Academy financed by the European Social Fund under the supervision of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (7 editions), SGH Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2002 - 2010 - Head of the Postgraduate Studies on the Project Management within the framework of structural funds of the European Union (organised by SGH Warsaw School of Economics in cooperation with the Main Mining Institute in Katowice) (10 editions);
Management positions:
- 2020 - to date - Counsellor in the Department of the Committee for European Affairs of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland;
- 2003 - to date - Member of the Polish Delegation (Expert) to Council of the EU on Competitiveness and Growth (Internal market, Industrial policy, Research and Development, Space);
- 2003 - to date - Expert in the Working Party of the Council of the EU on Competitiveness and Growth (Internal market, Industrial policy, Research and Development, Space);
- 2010 - 2020 - Senior Counsellor in the Department of the Committee for European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland;
- 2011 - Member of the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union group in the Working Party of the Council of the EU on Competitiveness and Growth (Internal market, Industrial policy, Research and Development, Space);
- 1997 - 2009 - Counsellor (from 2000) in the Department of Integration Policy of the Polish Office of the Committee for European Integration, Poland, (1998-1999 - chief expert; 1997-1998 - senior specialist);
- 1998 - 2004 - Secretary and Expert in the Negotiation on Poland's accession to the EU sub-team in the Competition policy chapter;
- 1998 - 2004 - Expert in the Negotiation on Poland's accession to the EU sub-team in the External relations chapter and the Free movement of goods chapter;
- 1995 - 1997 - Specialist in the Economic Team of the Department of European integration of the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for European Integration and Foreign Assistance, Poland
- 1995 - 1997 - Expert in the Association Sub-committee Poland-EU in the field of Competition Policy;
- 1993-1995 - Researcher of the market in the Institute of the Opinion and Market Research "TNS PENTOR";
- 2019–to date – “Rocznik Europeistyczny”; University of Wrocław, Chair of European Studies, ISSN: ISSN: 2450-274X;
- 2019–to date – “International Journal of Management and Economics” – SGH Warsaw School of Economics; ISSN: 2299-9701; E-ISSN: 2543-5361;
- 2018–to date – “The Annals of Regional Science”; ISSN: 0570-1864 (Print) 1432-0592 (Online);
- 2015–to date – “Post-Communist Economies”; ISSN: 1463-1377 (Print), ISSN: 1465-3958 (Online);
- 2015–to date – “Advances in Economics and Business”; ISSN: 2331-5059 (Print), ISSN: 2331-5075 (Online)
- 2015–to date – “Ekonomia”; (title in English: Economy), Faculty of Economic Science, University of Warsaw.
- 2015–to date – “Studia Ekonomiczne”; (title in English: Economic Studies), Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Science.
- 2014–to date – “Poznan University of Economics Review”, Poznan University of Economics.
- 2013–to date - "Working Papers" World Economy Research Institute, Collegium of the World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics;
- 2012–to date - "Unia Europejska" (title in English: European Union), Institute for Market, Consumption and Business Cycles Research;
- 2011–to date - "Studia Europejskie" (title in English: European Studies), Centre for Europe of the Warsaw University.
- 2011–to date - "Yearbook of Polish European Studies", Centre for Europe of the Warsaw University.
- 2014 - Visiting professor (DOC's on the Move 2014, Summer School on Research Methods and Soft Skills Development), University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA), Slovakia;
- 2013 - Visiting researcher (Dekaban - Liddle Senior Fellowship), Adam Smith Business School, Department of Economics, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom;
- 2005 - Visiting researcher (A Multi-Regional Project - U.S. Trade Policy and World Economy II, International Visitor Leadership Programme), Department of State, United States of America;
- 1997 - Expert Directorate General II of the European Commission (economic and financial matters) (internship from the Office of the Committee for European Integration);
- 2022 - Third Degree Individual Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (author and co-author of a collection of science papers).
- 2022 - Second Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (co-author): "The Economic and Legal Impact of COVID-19: The Case of Poland, Routledge".
- 2019 - Third Degree Individual Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (author and co-author of a collection of science papers).
- 2018 - Diploma of recognition for scientific achievements (co-author of a science paper).
- 2016 - Second Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (editor and co-author): "Regional Dimension of the EU Economic Policy in Poland, Warsaw School of Economics Press, Warsaw".
- 2016 - First Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (co-author): "Facing The Challenges In The European Union: Re-thinking EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth (EuInteg)", Polish European Community Studies Association, Warsaw.
- 2015 - First Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (editor and co-author): "New Cohesion Policy of the European Union in Poland. How it will Influence the Investment Attractiveness of Regions in 2014-2020”.
- 2015 - Second Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (co-author): "Selected aspects of functioning of Poland in the European Union. The Balance of Ten Years of Membership”.
- 2011 - Individual award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in Scientific Area for a habilitatus dissertation "National regional state aid in Special Economic Zones in Poland".
- 2008 - First Degree Team Award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in the Scientific Area (co-author): "Economy of Poland in the European Union in 2004-2006. Selected issues".
- 2004 - Team Award granted by the Minister for National Education and Sport (co-author of the book): "Transition periods in the Treaty on Poland's Accession to the European Union".
- 2001 - Individual award granted by the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for Achievements in Scientific Area for a doctoral dissertation "Adaptations and consequences of Poland's accession to the European Union in the field of the common commercial policy in industrial products".
- 1997 - Prof. Jan Zbigniew Kamecki Scientific Award granted by the Science Board of the Collegium of World Economy at the Warsaw School of Economics for Distinguished Researches in the field of International Economics.