- Paper/Poster on State Aid in Less Prosperous European Union Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Case of the Visegrád Group Countries, within the 7th International Scientific Conference “International Conference on European Integration 2024“, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economic Relations, Ostrava, 29-31 May 2024.
- Panel on A resilient and competitive European economy: recovery and prospects, within the Scientific conference to mark the 20th anniversary of Poland's membership of the European Union, Center of Europe, Univesrity of Warsaw, Warsaw, 15 May 2024.
- Paper on New EU Industrial Policy in resilient and transforming Europe, within the International Conference "Resilient and transforming Europe", Institute of International Business and Economics, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, 9 May 2024.
- Panel on Industrial Policy in the EU Architecture, within the International Conference "The Future of European Industrial Policy", Bocconi University, Milano, 29 February-1 March 2024.
- Paper on Selected economic consequences (for Poland) of Ukraine's membership in the European Union. Directions of research within the Science Conference “Two years of Russian aggression against Ukraine - consequences for Ukraine, Poland and the world” (Dwa lata agresji Rosji na Ukrainę – konsekwencje dla Ukrainy, Polski i świata), University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 22 February 2024.
- Paper on Why do European values need to be defended? What are the risks and threats to the rule of law, freedom, democracy and equality? within the Science Conference "Values of the European Union - Renaissance or crisis", SGH Warsaw school of Economics, 26 January 2024.
- Panel on Economic balance of the benefits and experiences of EU membership (Gospodarczy bilans korzyści i doświadczeń z członkostwa w UE) within the framework of the national science conference on "Poland in the European Union. The Balance of Benefits. 20 Years of Membership 2004-2020, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 12 December 2023.
- Moderator of The plenary session within the framework of the XX National Science Conference on "Internationalisation Process in the World Economy", Department of International Economics, University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, 19 October 2023.
- Paper on Legal and financial aspects of state aid for environmental protection in Poland 2004-2022 (Prawne i finansowe aspekty pomocy publicznej na ochronę środowiska w Polsce w latach 2004-2022) (co-author with Beata Grzegorzewska) within the framework of the XX National Science Conference on "Internationalisation Process in the World Economy", Department of International Economics, University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, 19 october 2023.
- Moderator of the papel on Energy and environmental aspects of Poland's integration into the EU (Energetyczne i środowiskowe aspekty integracji Polski w UE) within the framework of the national science conference on "Poland in the European Union. Report. 2023", SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 27 September 2023.
- Moderator of the papel on Poland's socio-economic cohesion in the EU (Spójność społeczno-gospodarcza Polski w UE) within the framework of the national science conference on "Poland in the European Union. Report. 2023, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 27 September 2023.
- Moderator of the papel on External aspects of Poland's integration into the EU (Zewnętrzne aspekty integracji Polski w UE) within the framework of the national science conference on "Poland in the European Union. Report. 2023, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 27 September 2023.
- Paper on State aid policies of Poland and the Czech Republic in comparison with other Central and Eastern European countries after accession to the European Union (Kierunki polityki pomocy publicznej Polski i Czech na tle innych państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej) w ramach II Kongresu Czechoznawstwa Polskiego i Polonoznawstwa Czeskiego 2023, Uniwersytet Opolski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Politechnika Opolska, Vysoká Škola Finanční a Správní, Praha, Opole, 25 września 2023 r.
- Paper on EU state aid policy in the face of global technological challenges (Polityka pomocy publicznej UE wobec wyzwań technologicznych na świecie) w ramach IV Ogólnopolskiego Kongresu Europeistyki 2023, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, 22 września 2023 r.
- Paper on State aid in the EU in times of change and adjustment (Pomoc publiczna w UE w dobie przemian idostosowań) w ramach VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej z cyklu "Globalizacja i regionalizacja we współczesnym świecie: przemiany i dostosowania w turbulentnym otoczeniu”, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, 22 września 2023 r.
- Moderator of the panel on economic issues w ramach VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej z cyklu "Globalizacja i regionalizacja we współczesnym świecie: przemiany i dostosowania w turbulentnym otoczeniu”, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, 22 września 2023 r.
- Paper on European Union economic policy in times of uncertainty. An example of public aid policy during the COVID-19 pandemic (Polityka gospodarcza Unii Europejskiej w czasach niepewności. Przykład polityki pomocy publicznej podczas pandemii COVID-19) within the 12th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Economic Problems: “Economy in times of uncertainty”, University of Economics in Katowice, University of Economics in Wroclaw, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Katowice, 31 May 2023.
- Paper on State Aid Trends in Finland and Poland — Similarities and Differences within International Scientific Conference on Finland in Europe – security, political, economic and social dimension, University of Warsaw, Center foe Europe, Warsaw, 25 May 2023.
- Team Europe Poland at SGH within the Day of Europe at SGH, Warsaw, 9 May 2023.
- Panel on The validity of the Accession Treaty. Implications of Poland's Participation in the European Union within the Science Conference on Origins and Consequences of the Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Poland to the European Union on the 20th Anniversary of its signature (Geneza i konsekwencje Traktatu o Przystąpieniu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej do Unii Europejskiej w 20. rocznicę jego podpisania), SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 14 April 2023.
- Paper on Impact of war in Ukraine in economic integration of the European Union within the Science Conference “One year after Russian aggression against Ukraine – consequences for Ukraine, Poland and the world” (Rok agresji Rosji na Ukrainę - konsekwencje dla Ukrainy, Polski i świata”, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 23 February 2023.
- Paper on "The concept of granting public aid for research and development in Poland after accession to the EU" (Koncepcja udzielania pomocy publicznej na badania i rozwój w Polsce po akcesji do UE) (co-author with Beata Grzegorzewska and Aleksanddra Kopeć) within the science conference "XIX National Scientific Conference Internationalization Processes in the World Economy", Department of International Economics, University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, 19 october 2022.
- Paper on "State Aid in Poland during COVID-19 Pandemic" (Polityka pomocy publicznej w Polsce podczas pandemii COVID-19), within the science conference "Poland in the European Union. Report 2022", Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 27 September 2022.
- Paper on "Trade relations of the European Union, including Poland, with Russia" (co-authors: M. Błaszczuk-Zawiła, M. Kulpiński), within the Nationwide Scientific Conference “Russia's Invation to Ukraine: Selected Implications for the Word and the European Union, including Poland“, SGH - Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Eurpean Integration and Legal Studies, Warsaw, 9 June 2022.
- Paper on "Trade relations of the European Union, including Poland, with Ukraine" (co-authors: E. Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, M. Kulpiński), within the Nationwide Scientific Conference “Russia's Invation to Ukraine: Selected Implications for the Word and the European Union, including Poland“, SGH - Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Eurpean Integration and Legal Studies, Warsaw, 9 June 2022.
- Paper on "COVID-19 State Aid in Poland. Preliminary remarks", within the 11th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Economic Problems. "Europe and the World Facing the Socio-Economic Crisis“, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, University of Economics in Katowice, Toruń, 2 June 2022.
- Paper on "State Aid in the European Union. Similarities and Differences among Visegrad Group Countries", within the 6th International Scientific Conference “International Conference on European Integration 2022“, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economic Relations, Ostrava, 19-20 May 2022.
- Paper on "Assesment of the 8th Cohesion Report in the Context of the EU Strategy on the EU Internal Market and the EU New Industrial Policy", Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Warsaw, 18 May 2022.
- Panel on "Economic consequences of Poland's membership in the EU", within the Conference on "The balance of 18 years of Poland's membership in the European Union", SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 12 May 2022.
- Paper on "Forms of COVID-19 State aid and size of beneficiaries in Poland in 2020", within the Nationwide scientific conference on Poland in the world economy - opportunities and threats, Institute of International Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 18 November 2021.
- Paper on "Poland's position in intra-EU trade in IT services" (co-author Joanna Stefaniak), within the Nationwide scientific conference on Poland in the world economy - opportunities and threats, Institute of International Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 18 November 2021.
- Paper on "Sectoral distribution of COVID-19 State aid in Poland in 2020", within the 18th Scientific Conference on Internationalization Processes in the World Economy, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice, 20 October 2021.
- Moderator of the panel on "Internationalization processes in the World Economy of the XXI Centry", within the 18th Scientific Conference on Internationalization Processes in the World Economy, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice, 20 October 2021.
- Paper on "Trade in IT Services in the European Single Market during the COVID-19 outbreak: state and tendencies" (co-author: Joanna Stefaniak), within the VII Science Conference "Current Trends in International Economic Relations" on "World Economy durinh the COVID-19 outbreak", Institute of Economics and Finance, Warsaw University of Life Science, 14 October 2021.
- Moderator of the panel on "Economic dimention of Poland's membership in the European Union", within the science conference "Poland in the European Union. Report 2021", Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 28 September 2021.
- Paper on "Poland towards a new approach to state aid policy after accession to the European Union", within the science conference "Poland in the European Union. Report 2021", Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 28 September 2021.
- Paper on "COVID-19 State aid in Poland", within the 16th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies Conference, Thirty Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain: Transition and Convergence, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg, 13-17 September 2021.
- Paper on "Does the European Single Market Exist in the Era of a Coronavirus Pandemic? The Case of Intra and Extra-EU Trade in COVID-19 related Products", within the 3rd Nationwide Congress for European Studies, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, 29-30 June 2021.
- Moderator of the panel on "Poland in the European Union and the COVID-19 pandemic", within the 15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness "International Competitiveness and Economic Cooperation in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic", SGH Warsaw School of Ecoomics, World Economy Research Institute, Warsaw, 22 June 2021.
- Paper on "Polish Financial Measures within the EU Temporary Framework of COVID-19 Crisis State Aid" , within the 15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness "International Competitiveness and Economic Cooperation in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic", SGH Warsaw School of Ecoomics, World Economy Research Institute, Warsaw, 22 June 2021.
- Paper on "Trade in Services in the European Single Market: The Position of China v. EU Member States" (co-author: Joanna Stefaniak), within the 11th International Conference on Applied Economics „Contemporary Issues in Economy", Institute of Economic Research, Polich Economic Society Branch in Toruń, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 17-18 June 2021.
- Panel on "The Visegrad countries' Extra-EU Trade After the EU Accession, within the 1st Visegrad Conference, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, online(zoom), 3-4 June 2021.
- Paper on "Industry 4.0. Challenges for European Industry Stemming from Digitalization: The Position of V4 Countries", within the 5th International Scientific Conference „International Conference on European Integration 2020“, The World Economy Research Institute’s 14th Annual Conference, Ostrava, 3-4 December 2020.
- Panel on "Europejski panel dyskusyjny: Spójność Polski w UE. Co dalej? (European Panel Session: Cohesion of Poland in the EU? What’s next)", within the 14th Annual Conference Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness, SGH Warsaw School of Ecoomics, World Economy Research Institute, Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, Warsaw, 16 October 2020.
- Paper on "Intra-EU vs Extra-EU Trade in ICT Services" (co-author: Joanna Stefaniak), within the 14th Annual Conference Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness, SGH Warsaw School of Ecoomics, World Economy Research Institute, Department of European Integration and Legal Studies, Warsaw, 16 October 2020.
- Panel on "A more smart Europe", within the XIII International Evaluation Conference, Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, The European Commission, Krakow, 9-10 December 2019.
- Panel on "Economic challenges" within the Conference on "Problems and challanges facing the European Union (Problemy i wyzwania stojące przed UE)", Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, 7 December 2019.
- Paper on "Is the China's Export of Services to the EU a Threat (Challenge) to the Intra-EU Trade in Services?" in cooperation with Joanna Stefaniak, within the 29th International Eurasia Business and Economics Society EBES Conference, ISCTE IUL instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 October 2019.
- Panel on "Cohesion policy after 2020 - revolution or deformation? Which way are we headed?" within the Conference on "The Future of Cohesion Policy 2021-2027", Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, The European Commission, Warsaw, 11 July 2019.
- Paper on "The impact of SEZs on local public finance" in cooperation with Julita Łukomska, within the International Conference "Everything in its place – empowering local and regional communities", Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw together with O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University Bloomington, Warsaw, Poland, 27-29 June 2019.
- Panel on "Main Challenges for the EU Internal Market" within the III Kielce Conference "Poland in the European Union after elections to the European Parliament, Polish Society for European Studies, The European Commission Representation Office in Poland, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, 10-11 June 2019.
- Panel on "The future of Poland in the European integration" within the Paderewski Academy Project, CEMS Warsaw Club, Warsaw, 11 May 2019.
- Panel on "Fifteen Years Since Poland’s Accession to the EU Internal Market: More or Less Integration?" within the International Conference "World Economy 2019. Learning from the Past and Designing the Future", Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 9-10 May 2019.
- Moderator of the panel on "The future of the European Union in the face of Brexit" within the International Conference "Quo vadis, Europe, 15 years after the biggest enlargement of the EU", European Integration Department, Poznan University of Economics and Busienss, Poznań, Poland, 11 April 2019.
- Paper on "State aid policy after Poland's accession to the European Union" within the International Conference "Quo vadis, Europe, 15 years after the biggest enlargement of the EU", European Integration Department, Poznan University of Economics and Busienss, Poznań, Poland, 11 April 2019.
- Panel on "The future of the European integration and the European Union" within the National scientific seminar on "The Future of European Integration. Polish perspective", Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Polish Association of European Studies, University of Poznań, Poznań, Poland, 7 December 2018.
- Panel on "The future of Poland in the European Union" within the National scientific seminar on "The Future of European Integration. Polish perspective", Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Polish Association of European Studies, University of Poznań, Poznań, Poland, 7 December 2018.
- Paper on "Protectionist practicies in the Internal Market of the European Union" within the 4th Biannual International Scientific Conference "Globalization and regionalization in the contemporary world: competitiveness, development, sustainability", International Economics Department, Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland, 21-22 September 2018.
- Paper on "Mechanisms of non-tariff barriers in intra-EU trade in agri-food products. The case of Poland Czech Republic relations" (co-author with prof. Renata Grochowska, Ph.D.) within the 15th International Scientific Conference, Department of Agricultural Economics and International Economic Relations, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw-Rogów, Poland, 14-15 June 2018.
- Paper on "Protectionism of EU Member States in the EU agri-food market" (co-author with prof. Renata Grochowska, Ph.D.) within the 15th International Scientific Conference, Department of Agricultural Economics and International Economic Relations, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw-Rogów, Poland, 14-15 June 2018.
- Author of the concept and a moderator of the "7th Single Market Forum", European Commission and Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 8 June 2018.
- Panel on "Barriers in the Internal Market of the European Union" within the 7th Single Market Forum, European Commission and Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 8 June 2018.
- Panel on "New Trends in the World Trade" within the 10th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of the Global Economy 2018", Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk, Sopot, Poland, 24-25 May 2018.
- Paper on "Manufacturing vs Services: Changes in Intra-EU Trade. The Case of the Visegrád Countries" within the 4th International Scientific Conference "International Conference on European Integration 2018", Ostrava, Czech Republic, 17-18 May 2018.
- Paper on "Trade in Services Between the EU and China. New Opportunities and Challenges" (co-author with Joanna Stefaniak, Ph.D.) within the 15th KIMEP International Research Conference, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 13-14 April 2018.
- Paper on "Evaluation of Cohesion Policy in the context of the Internal Market of the European Union based on the 7th Cohesion Report of the European Commission" (title in Polish: Ocena polityki spójnoci w kontekcie funkcjonowania rynku wewnętrznego UE w wietle Siódmego Raportu Kohezyjnego) within the National Conferene on "Cohesion Policy after 2020 based on the VII Cohesion Report" (Polityka spójnoci po 2020 r. w wietle VII Raportu Kohezyjnego), Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Warsaw, 16 January 2018.
- Panel on "Economic visions of further European integration" (title in Polish: Ekonomiczne wizje przyszłej integracji europejskiej) within the National Conference on "What is the future of Europe? Juncker's vision and reason of state", Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 7 December 2017.
- Panel on "Poland's position and role in the European Union" (title in Polish: Debata o miejscu Polski w Unii Europejskiej) within the SGH Professionals debate, Foreign Trade Faculty Corporation, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 17 October 2017.
- Paper on "Evolution of the structure of the Internal Market of the EU in the context of New Challanges" (title in Polish: "Ewolucja struktury rynku wewnętrznego UE w obliczu nowych wyzwań") during the Nationwide Conference, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 6 October 2017.
- Moderator of the panel on "Economic and political consequences of Brexit" within the Nationwide Conference, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 6 October 2017.
- Paper on "Regional State Aid and Public Authorities" (title in Polish: "Miejsce pomocy regionalnej w działaniach władz publicznych") during the 2nd Nationwide Congress for European Studies, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, 26-28 September 2017.
- Paper on "Development of the Internal Market in the Reindustrialization and Servitization Era" (title in Polish: "Kierunki rozwoju rynku wewnętrznego w dobie serwityzacji i reindustrializacji" during the 2nd Nationwide Congress for European Studies, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, 26-28 September 2017.
- Paper on "The Internal Market of the European Union with(out) the United Kingdom" within the 24th International Conference of Europeanists, organised by the Council for European Studies, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 12-14 July 2017.
- Paper on "Consequences of Brexit: Reindustrialization or Servitization in the EU" within the 9th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy, organised by Polish Economic Society Branch in Toruń, Institute of Economic Research, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 22-23 June 2017.
- Paper (in co-operation with dr Joanna Stefaniak, University of Gdańsk) on "The European Service Card initiative as an instrument of reduction of administrative barriers in the internal market for construction and business services" within the 9th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy, organised by Polish Economic Society Branch in Toruń, Institute of Economic Research, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 22-23 June 2017.
- Moderator of the panel on "European Union after Brexit" within the 9th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy, organised by Polish Economic Society Branch in Toruń, Institute of Economic Research, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 22-23 June 2017.
- Paper on "New Challenges of the Internal Market: conclusions for Poland" within the Science Seminar on Poland in the European Union. Strategic Challenges, organised by the Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 21 June 2017.
- Paper on "The Impact of Russian Federations Embargo on Exports of Apples from Poland in 2004-2015" within the XIV International Scientific Conference on "Global Problems of Agriculture and Food Economy", Department of Agricultural Economics and International Economic Relations, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw - Rogów, 8-9 June 2017.
- Panel on "Protectionism and regionalism and global markets - a new balance of powers in the World economy" within the XI Conference of the Center of Europe of the University of Warsaw", Center of Europe, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 21 April 2017.
- Paper on "Changes in structures of economy and the intra EU trade after Brexit" within the XI International Science Conference "International finance and business", Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, Łód, 3 April 2017.
- Panel on "Internal market in practice strengths and weaknesses from business perspective. Case study." within the Ministerial Conference on the Removal of Barriers in the EU Internal Market, Ministry of Economic Development, Warsaw, 21 October 2016.
- Paper on "Polish Economy and Single European Market. Sectoral Approach" within the Science Conference on "The European Union in the face of strategic challenges. Quo vadis, Europe?" organised by the Department of European Studies at the Poznan University of Economics, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Western Institute in Poznań, Polish European Community Studies Association, Poznan, 20-21 October 2016.
- Paper on "Modern industrial policy and servitization process within the Internal Market of the EU" within the 14th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies Conference at the University of Regensburg, Regensburg, 8-10 September 2016.
- Paper on "State Aid Policy to improve competitiveness of EU industry in 2014-2020 (state aid for research, development and innovation)" within the Scientific Seminar on "The reforms of Economic and Monetary Union. State of play and the future challenges" at the Warsaw School of Economics: Reform of Economic and Monetary Union: Stay of Play and Challenges, Warsaw, 29 June 2016.
- Panel on "Industry, SMEs, Start-ups: liberating their energies for the Single Market of the future" within the Public Hearing on Single Market Strategy: how to boost the growth engine, EPP group in the European Parliament, Brussels, 27 January 2016.
- Panel on "Investments for Europe. European Union 2014-2019", ThinkTank, Representation of the European Commission in Poland, Warsaw, 19 January 2016.
- Moderator of the science seminar on The Future of the Internal Market of the European Union (SMEs, Start-ups, Services, Collaborative economy), Warsaw School of Economics, 15 January 2016.
- Panel on "Efektywnoć proinnowacyjnej pomocy strukturalnej z UE w latach 2007-2013" (in English: Effectiveness of pro-innovation structural assistance from the EU in the years 2007-2013), Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, 15 December 2015.
- Paper on "Cooperation or competition in the internal market of the EU:
Industrial policy v. State Aid policy" during the International Interdisciplinary Conference organized by of the Chair of European Studies on "Europe – a myth, reality, dream or community project?", University of Wroclaw, 18-19 September 2015.
- Paper on "How to evaluate economic and social consequences of Special Economic Zones" during Summer International Workshop on regional and spatial specialization, European Regional Science Association, Międzyzdroje, 23-24 July 2015.
- Moderator of the science conference on "The future of the European Union's Internal Market" during the scientific conference organized by the Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 24 June 2015.
- Paper on "Income Tax Exemption as a Regional State Aid in Special Economic Zones and its Impact Upon Development of Polish Districts" during the 8th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy: "Market or Government?", organised by Polish Economic Society Branch in Toruń, Institute of Economic Research, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland 18-19 June 2015.
- Panel on "The Third Republic" during the 73rd Annual Conference of the Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America, Toronto, 12-13 June 2015.
- Paper on "Special Economic Zones in Poland: 20 Years of Experience" during the 73rd Annual Conference of the Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America, Toronto, 12-13 June 2015.
- Paper on "Convergence or divergence of regions in the Visegrad Group countries and Regional State Aid after accession to the EU: conclusions for New Cohesion Policy" during the PECSA's International Scientific Conference Facing the Challenges in European Union. Re-thinking of EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth (EuInteg) Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 14-15 May 2015.
- Panel on "EU Business v. Fictitious Benefits" within the Economic Debate meeting organised by Independent Students' Association (NZS), Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 13 May 2015.
- Moderator of the panel on "Polish perspective on special economic zones" during the Conference on "The Political Economy of Place-Based Policies with a Focus on Special Economic Zones", organised by CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research and Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 23-24 April 2015.
- Paper on "Investments in SEZ and their impact upon development of poviats in Poland" during the Conference on "The Political Economy of Place-Based Policies with a Focus on Special Economic Zones", organised by CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research and Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 23-24 April 2015.
- Panel on "Visegrad Group - economic aspects of regional cooperation" within the VIII European Economic Congress, Katowice, 20-22 April 2015.
- Paper on "Reindustrialization or servitization: trade tendencies in the EU internal market", during the Conference "European Union and future challenges", organised by the Center of Excellence at the Department of European Studies at the Poznań University of Economics, Poznań, 16 April 2015.
- Panel on "Junker and Tusk - Sunset of old Europe" within the framework of meetings "The World Mondays" organized by Foreign Affairs Student Scientific Association, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 8 December 2014.
- Chairman of the panel on "Impact of Cohesion Policy of the EU on Regional Development in Poland", during the First Nationwide Congress for European Studies Poland in the Process of European Integration – A Decade of Experience, Warsaw, 18-20 September 2014.
- Panel on "Policies of the EU in the period of European integration changes - case of Industrial Policy of the EU", during the First Nationwide Congress for European Studies Poland in the Process of European Integration – A Decade of Experience, Warsaw, 18-20 September 2014.
- Panel on "Regulatory Autonomy of the European Union - case of EU State Aid Rules", during the First Nationwide Congress for European Studies Poland in the Process of European Integration – A Decade of Experience, Warsaw, 18-20 September 2014.
- Chairman of the panel on "European Union after 2004 - conclusions for Poland", during the conference on "Poland in the European Union – experience of 10 years membership in the EU”, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 25 June 2014
- Paper on: "Regional State Aid in Poland" within the Fifth World Congress on Polish Studies, Polish Institute of Art and Sciences in America, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 20-23 June 2014
- Paper on: "The effects of the economic crisis on state aid and the EU’s reindustrialization policy – cooperation or competition within the EU?" within the conference on "In Search of European Political Union", Utrecht University, Utrecht, 19-21 June 2014
- Introductory remarks during the doctoral seminar on "The Visegrad Group Countries - 10 Years After Accession to the European Union", Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 13 June 2014
- Paper on: "Regional State Aid in the Visegrad countries after enlargement of the EU" within the conference on "Creating Greater synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries", Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw, 12 June 2014
- Paper on: "Poland on the Single European Market" within the conference on "10 years in the European Union - Polish expectations and experiences", European Institute in Łódi, Łód, 30 May 2014
- Panel on: "Law regulations in insurance" within the II Congress of the Polish Insurance Association on "Challenges of the modern insurance – insurability, investments, supervision", Sopot, 7-8 May 2014.
- Paper on: "Evolution of state aid rules after enlargement of the EU in 2004. Consequences for Poland" within the international science conference on "European Union - 10 years after its biggest enlargement", Department of European Studies together with Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of Poznań University of Economics and Institute for Western Affairs, Poznań, 24-25 April 2014.
- Paper on: "Legal and economic aspects of regional state aid in Poland after accession to the European Union" within the V International Conference in the series: Cohesion Policy of the European Union – objectives, effects, problems for the discussion on "European Union - 10 years after the biggest enlargement", Department of Economic Policy and European Regional Studies, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, 10-11 April 2014.
- Panel on: "Poland - game for prosperity" within the conference on "Costs and benefits of Poland's Membership in the European Union", Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, 20 January 2014.
- Paper on "The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. Polish perspective" within the Conference on "MFF 2014-2020: less money, less Europe?
Prospects, interests, explanations", Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 25 November 2013.
- Paper on "State Aid to Polish entrepreneurs and export of Polish regions in the period of economic crisis" within the Conference on "Trans'13, Common Europe. Financial and economic crisis and internationalisation of Polish companies", Collegium of the World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, 21-22 November 2013.
- Paper on "The European Union's Trade with Turkey under the Customs Union" within the Conference on "Poland and Turkey in Europe – Common Targets, Different Experiences", Center of Europe, Warsaw University, Faculty of Political Sciences of Istanbul University, 5 November 2013.
- Panel on "Single Digital Market - Why e-commerce? - Experiences and challenges" within the Conference on "Single Market Forum", Ministry of Economy, Cracow, 18 October 2013.
- Presentation on "Decision-making process in the EU - theoretical and practical aspects" within the Conference on "Mechanism of consultations and working on legal acts proposals under Ministry of Economy supervision", Ministry of Economy, Warsaw, 30 September 2013.
- Chairman of the panel on "Pro-Innovative and Pro-Competitive Policies: Does the New Approach Meet Old Needs?", during the 8th World Economy Research Institute’s Annual Conference on Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the EU at National and Regional Level Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw June 6-7, 2013.
- Panel on "Together@digital", during the Single Market Forum , Ministry of Economy, Warsaw, 18 October 2012.
- Panel on "The V4 as Economic Macroregion: Working Together towards the Goals of Strategy 2020?", during the Conference on "The Visegrad Group and the Future EU Economy: Standing Together or Falling Apart”, Institute of International Relations in Prague, Prague, 21 June 2012.
- Paper on "Strategy of development of the Internal Market of the EU (after the economic crisis 2008-2010" during the Seminar on "Economic policy of Member States of the European Union during the crisis", Institute of Foreign Trade Policy and European Studies, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 30 November 2011.
- Conference Moderator on "The problem of leadership in the EU in the light of economic crisis", European Commission, Representation in Poland, Warsaw, 29 June 2011.
- Presentation on"EU-level V4 cooperation seen from Poland and potential links with the pre-presidency programme" during the Conference on "20th anniversary of V4 Cooperation in a year marked by the Hungarian and Polish EU-presidencies", Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, 23 March 2011.
- Introductory lecture during the conference on "European standards in public administration - conclusions for Poland", National School of Public Administration, Warsaw, 23 February 2011.
- Presentation on "Special Economic Zones as a tool for national spatial development policy" during the Seminar on "Development and restructuring of the economy and Poland - recommendations for the National Spatial Development Concept for the years 2008-2013", Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw, 21 February 2008.
- Paper on "State Aid as an Instrument for Reinforcing Competitiveness of Polish Undertakings. Necessity for Retargeting of the Granted Aid ?", within the Conference on "Changes in Industrial Competitiveness as a Factor of Integration: Identifying Challenges of the Enlarged Single European Market", research project co-ordinated by CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research within the 5 Framework Programme of the EU, Brussels, 25-26 November 2005.