Econometerics of Panel Data

Mail: jmuck [at]
Useful Stata commands: [link]
The information about the retake exam session: [pdf] , chilean[.dta] , Gravity[.dta] .

Homework #1: [pdf] , [crime_subset.dta] .
Homework #2: [pdf] , [dataset.dta] .
Homework #3: [pdf] .
  1. Introduction to Panel Data Econometrics
    Presentation [.pdf] ,
    Grunfeld dataset[.dta],
    Unemployment rate [.xlsx].
  2. Fixed and Random effects models
    Presentation [.pdf],
    Link to NLS dataset [url],
    Stata do-file [.do].
  3. Hausman test, between regression, testing linear hypotheses
    Presentation [.pdf],
  4. Two-way error component model. Serial correlation. Heteroskedasiticty. Cross-sectional dependence
    Presentation [.pdf],
    hicp[.dta], hicp2[.dta].
  5. Endogeneity. Instrumental variable. Hausman-Taylor estimator.
    Presentation [.pdf],
  6. Dynamic Panel Data models.
    Presentation [.pdf]
  7. Limited dependent variable and panel data.
    Presentation [.pdf]
  8. Heterogenous panels.
    Presentation [.pdf],