About me
Other information
AI Doom
Education and career advances
- Professor in Social Sciences (Economics and Finance): SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 03/2020
Title of series of journal publications: "Technological Change and Human Capital as Key Determinants of Economic Growth"
Decision date: March 10, 2020. Official letter.
- Habilitation in Economics: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 05/2013
Thesis title: "Zagregowana funkcja produkcji w ekonomii wzrostu gospodarczego i konwergencji" [The Aggregate Production Function in the Economics of Growth and Convergence]
Habilitation colloquium: May 21, 2013
- Ph.D. in Economics: CORE, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 09/2005-10/2007
Thesis title: "Essays on Technological Progress and Economic Growth"
Advisor: prof. Raouf Boucekkine
Public defence of the thesis: October 24, 2007
- Ph.D. thesis in Economics: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 09/2004-11/2007
Thesis title: "Decyzje dotyczące edukacji, dzietności i działalności badawczo-rozwojowej jako współzależne czynniki kształtujące wzrost gospodarczy i rozkład dochodów" [Education, Fertility, and R&D Decisions as Interdependent Factors Shaping Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income]
Advisor: prof. Tomasz Szapiro
- M.A. in Economics: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 09/2000-06/2004
Thesis title: "Współczesne dynamiczne modele wzrostu gospodarczego w równowadze ogólnej" [Dynamic General Equilibrium Growth Models at Present]
Advisor: prof. Marek Góra
Diploma with Distinction; grade average: 5,11 / 5,5
- B.A. in Mathematics: Warsaw University, 2002-2006
Media appearance
- Podcast GRAPE - Pressed from data "Przedsiębiorcy: wyzyskiwacze czy dobroczyńcy?", about the labor share, in Polish (01/2025): tutaj.
- Video podcast SOF/HomoDigital "Kiedy sztuczna inteligencja przejmie nad nami władzę?", in Polish (01/2025): click here.
- Video podcast Wprost "People of Science" "Profesor z SGH zajmuje się wzrostem gospodarczym. Ostrzega przed rozwojem sztucznej inteligencji", in Polish (07/2024): click here.
- Video podcast, Obserwator Finansowy "Sztuczna inteligencja - dlaczego może być groźna", in Polish (07/2024): click here.
- Podcast SGcHat "Po prostu ekonomia #2: Sztuczna inteligencja, automatyzacja i wzrost gospodarczy" [Simply Economics #2: Artificial intelligence, automation and economic growth] (04/2024): click here.
- Przemek Górczyk's podcast featuring me (2022): click here.
- Information and video clip related to the National Science Center (NCN) Award (2020): click here.
- Interview in Gazeta SGH (30 October 2020): click here.
- Interview in Trend, in Polish (26 November 2014): click here.
- Video clip related to the Polityka Scientific Award, in Polish: click here.
- Interview in Polityka, in Polish (28 November 2012): click here.
- Gold Medal "Zasłużony dla Nauki Polskiej Sapientia et Veritas" (2024), for merits for Polish science, awarded by the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education
- SGH Rector's Prize (11/2024) within the Regional Excellence Initiative project, for a large number of citations in Web of Science and high research activity
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2023), third grade, for the monograph "Accelerating Economic Growth: Lessons from 200 000 Years of Technological Progress and Human Development"
- National Science Center (NCN) Award, category: social sciences, humanities and arts (2020)
- Invited lecture "300 tysięcy lat wzrostu gospodarczego" [300 Thousand Years of Economic Growth] (3/11/2021), available on YouTube
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2020) for becoming a Full Professor before the age of 45
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2019), second grade, for a large number of citations and a high h-index
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2018), second grade, for a large number of citations and a high h-index
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2017), third grade, for a large number of citations and a high h-index
- "Bank and Credit" award (2016) for the best article published in 2015
- Minister of Science and Higher Education Award, first class individual award for excellent scientific achievements (2014)
- Distinction in NBP Governor's Award Competition for the best Habilitation thesis (2014)
- "Bank and Credit" award (2014) for the best article published in 2013 (ex aequo 4 papers)
- Bank Handlowy Award (2013) for an outstanding contribution to the development of economics and finance
- "Polityka" Scientific Award in social sciences (2012)
- Scholarship from the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education for excellent young researchers (2012, 2015)
- Nomination for the "Polityka" Scientific Award (2011), as the only economist. (No prize, though...)
- Nomination for the "SCOPUS-Perspektywy" Young Researcher Award (2011), as the only social scientist. (No prize, though...)
- SGH Rector's Prize (10/2011) for an excellent research record
- Foundation for Polish Science scholarship "START" for outstanding young researchers (2007, 2008)
- First place in the "Best Young Economist" contest (12/2004), in an edition entitled "Polish Economy in United Europe" (as it turned out later, the ONLY edition)
- Top Ten certificate of the Warsaw School of Economics (03/2003) for excellent learning performance
Participation in a prestigious international fellowship program
- Intercontinental Academia - 4th Edition on Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (2021-22), website
- Online Opening Session, June 13-18, 2021
- Podcasts with fellows (by Mike Livermore): here
- Paris session, October 18-27, 2021
- Belo Horizonte session, November 7-12, 2022
- Research grant OPUS 26 No. 2023/51/B/HS4/00096 from the National Science Center (2024-): Will Artificial General Intelligence Bring Extinction or Cornucopia? Modelling the Economy at Technological Singularity. Co-authors: Klaus Prettner, TBA.
- Research grant OPUS 19 No. 2020/37/B/HS4/01302 from the National Science Center (2021-24): Technological Specialisation and Productivity Divergence in the Age of Digitalisation, Automation and AI. Co-authors: Aleksandra Parteka (PI), Aleksandra Kordalska, Julia Jabłońska, Zuzanna Zarach.
- Research grant OPUS 14 No. 2017/27/B/HS4/00189 from the National Science Center (2018-21): R&D capital, artificial intelligence and economic growth. Co-authors: Peter McAdam, Jakub Mućk.
- Research grant OPUS 6 No. 2013/11/B/HS4/01467 from the National Science Center (2014-17): Structure of the social network, willingness to cooperate, and individual earnings: simulation model and empirical results. Co-authors: Katarzyna Growiec, Bogumił Kamiński.
- Raw data in .dta format (Stata): file. Data has been collected in May 2015 by Millward Brown SA.
- Questionnaire (original Polish version): file.
- Questionnaire (English translation): file.
- Research grant OPUS 3 No. 2012/05/B/HS4/02236 from the National Science Center (2013-14): Medium-run fluctuations of the labor share: theory and empirical evidence. Co-authors: Peter McAdam, Jakub Mućk.
- Habilitation research grant No. N N112 037139 from the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher
Education (2010-12), for the habilitation monograph Zagregowana funkcja produkcji w ekonomii wzrostu gospodarczego i
konwergencji [The Aggregate Production Function in the Economics of Growth and Convergence]
- Economic Research Commitee [Komitet Badań Ekonomicznych], NBP (2010), grant for the project: Różnice w
poziomach PKB oraz stopach wzrostu pomiędzy wybranymi krajami świata: wnioski z oszacowań światowej granicy technologicznej
[Differences in GDP Levels and Growth Rates Among Selected Countries: Corollaries from World Technology Frontier Estimates].
Project co-authored with Dorota Pelle, Anna Pajor and Artur Prędki.
- Global Development Network: Regional Research Competition 2009, grant for the project: The Impact of
Social Capital on Central and Eastern European Countries’ Economic Performance: Similarities and
Differences. Project co-authored with Katarzyna Growiec, encompassing the year 2009.
- Subsidy "Mistrz" from the Foundation for Polish Science, awarded to Prof. Tomasz Szapiro (2006-08). My
share was to author one article ("Human Capital, Aggregation, and Growth") and co-author two further
ones ("Social Capital, Well-Being, and Earnings: Theory and Evidence from Poland" with Katarzyna
Growiec and "Intergenerational Interactions in Human Capital Accumulation" with Łukasz Woźny).
- Supervisor’s research grant No. 1 H02 C012 30 from the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher
Education (2006-07), for the Ph.D. thesis Decyzje dotyczące edukacji, dzietności oraz działalności badawczo-rozwojowej
jako współzależne czynniki kształtujące wzrost gospodarczy i rozkład dochodów, written
under the supervision of Prof. Tomasz Szapiro.
Academic visits
- University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 7-20, 2015
Invited by Christian Groth
- University of Trento, Trento, Italy, March 7-25, 2011
Invited by Massimo Riccaboni
- IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, September 18 - 22, 2007
Invited by Fabio Pammolli and
Massimo Riccaboni
- IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, July 27 - August 3, 2006
Invited by Fabio Pammolli and
Massimo Riccaboni
Keynote speeches
- TIG 2024 - Technology, Innovation and Growth, Gdańsk, Poland, May 23-24, 2024
Keynote: "Hardware, Software, and the Future of Economic Growth"
- Macromodels 2023, Łódź, Poland, November 21-23, 2023
Keynote: "Hardware, Software, and the Future of Economic Growth in the Digital Era"
- REV4.0: The Socio-economic Consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Kraków, Poland, September 19, 2022
Keynote: "What Will Drive Global Economic Growth in the Digital Age?"
Presentations at international conferences
- What If We Succeed? The Economics of Transformative AI, Asilomar, California, USA, March 1-3, 2024
"Hardware, Software, and the Future of Economic Growth"
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2022), Milan, Italy, August 22-26, 2022
"Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- ICEA Conference "The Wealth of Nations in the Post-Covid Era", ZOOM, April 28-29, 2022
"Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- RCEA Future of Growth Conference, ZOOM, May 20-21, 2021
"The Hardware-Software Model: A Synthetic Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
"What Will Drive Global Economic Growth in the Digital Age?"
- European Economic Association Virtual Congress (EEA 2020), ZOOM, August 24-27, 2020
"Automation, Partial and Full"
- European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, 31st Annual Conference (EAEPE 2019), Warsaw, Poland, September 12-14, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2019), Manchester, UK, August 26-30, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- 14th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, Vienna, Austria, July 3-6, 2018
"Do Mincerian Wage Equations Inform How Schooling Influences Productivity?" (joint work with Christian Groth)
Poster: "The Digital Era, Viewed From a Perspective of Millennia of Economic Growth"
Poster: "On the Optimal Labor Income Share" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- 26th Annual Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE 2018), Tokyo, Japan, March 19-20, 2018
"Do Mincerian Wage Equations Inform How Schooling Influences Productivity?" (joint work with Christian Groth)
- International Conference on Computational Social Science (ICCSS 2017), Köln, Germany, July 10-13, 2017
Poster: "Mapping the Dimensions of Social Capital" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec and Bogumił Kamiński)
- EcoMod 2017, International Conference on Economic Modeling, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 5-7, 2017
"Social Network Structure and the Trade-Off Between Social Utility and Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec and Bogumił Kamiński)
"Factor-Specific Technology Choice"
- Society for Economic Dynamics Congress (SED 2015), Warsaw, Poland, June 25-27, 2015
"Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Society for Computational Economics, 21st International Conference on Computing in
Economics and Finance (CEF 2015), Taipei, Taiwan, June 20-22, 2015
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions"
- International Conference on Computational Social Science (ICCSS 2015), Helsinki, Finland, June 8-11, 2015
"Bridging Social Capital and Individual Earnings: Evidence for an Inverted U" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
Poster: "Social Capital, Trust, and Multiple Equilibria in Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- 13th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, Vienna, Austria, May 13-16, 2015
"Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2014), Toulouse, France, August 25-29, 2014
"The Impact of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital on Individual Earnings: Evidence for an Inverted U" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- Society for Computational Economics, 20th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2014), Oslo, Norway, June 22-24, 2014
"Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- European Social Simulation Association (ESSA 2013), Warsaw, Poland, September 16-20, 2013
"On Aggregating Human Capital Across Heterogeneous Cohorts" (joint work with Christian Groth)
- Structural Change, Dynamics, and Economic Growth (SCDEG), Livorno, Italy, September 12-14, 2013
"On the Modeling of Size Distributions When Technologies Are Complex"
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2013), Göteborg, Sweden, August 26-30, 2013
"Innovation and Corporate Dynamics: A Theoretical Framework" (joint work with Fabio Pammolli and Massimo Riccaboni)
- EcoMod 2013, International Conference on Economic Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic, July 1-3, 2013
"On the Modeling of Size Distributions When Technologies Are Complex"
- "Public Happiness" Conference (HEIRs), Rome, Italy, June 4-5, 2013
"Trusting Only Whom You Know, Knowing Only Whom You Trust: The Joint Impact of Social Capital and Trust on Individuals' Happiness in CEE Countries" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (DEGIT-XVII), Milan, Italy, September 13-14, 2012
"Factor-Augmenting Technology Choice and Monopolistic Competition"
- EcoMod 2012, International Conference on Economic Modeling, Sevilla, Spain, July 4-6, 2012
"A Note on Aggregating Human Capital Across Heterogeneous Cohorts" (joint work with Christian Groth)
- 12th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games, and Nonlinear Dynamics (OCDGND), Vienna, Austria, May 30-June 2, 2012
"A Note on Aggregating Human Capital Across Heterogeneous Cohorts" (joint work with Christian Groth)
- Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (DEGIT-XVI), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 8-9, 2011
"A Microfoundation for Normalized CES Production Functions with Factor-Augmenting Technical Change"
- International Economic Association, 16th World Congress, Beijing, China, July 4-8, 2011
"Social Capital, Trust, and Multiple Equilibria in Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- EcoMod 2011, International Conference on Economic Modeling, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, June 29-July 2, 2011
"The Shape of Aggregate Production Functions: Evidence from Estimates of the World Technology Frontier" (joint work with Anna Pajor,
Dorota Pelle and Artur Prędki)
- European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Verona, Italy, June 21-24, 2011
"The Shape of Aggregate Production Functions: Evidence from Estimates of the World Technology Frontier" (joint work with Anna Pajor,
Dorota Pelle and Artur Prędki)
- Royal Economic Society 2011 Annual Congress, London, UK, April 18-20, 2011
"Social Capital, Trust, and Multiple Equilibria in Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- Society for Computational Economics, 16th International Conference on Computing in
Economics and Finance (CEF 2010), London, UK, July 15-17, 2010
"On the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries"
- EcoMod 2010, International Conference on Economic Modeling, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-10, 2010
"On the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries"
- XIX European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory (EWGET), Kraków, Poland, June 11-13, 2010
"Social Capital, Trust, and Multiple Equilibria in Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2009), Barcelona, Spain, August 23-27, 2009
"Knife-Edge Conditions in the Modeling of Long-Run Growth Regularities"
- European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS) 2009 Conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 4-7, 2009
"Decomposing Productivity Growth in OECD Countries: Domestic R&D Vs. International
Technology Diffusion" (joint work with Dorota Pelle and Łukasz Marć)
- European Economic Association & Econometric Society, Congress (EEA/ESEM 2008), Milan, Italy, August 27-31, 2008
"Intergenerational Interactions in Human Capital Accumulation" (joint work with Łukasz Woźny)
- European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) 2008 Conference, London, UK, June 19-21, 2008
"Social Capital, Well-
Being, and Earnings: Theory and Evidence from Poland" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- Schumpeter 2006 conference on innovation and growth (Schumpeter Society), Nice, France, June 21-24, 2006
"A New
Class of Production Functions and an Argument Against Purely Labor-Augmenting
Technical Change"
- SURED 2006 (Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics), Ascona, Switzerland, June 4-9, 2006
"On Technical Change in the Elasticities of Resource Inputs" (joint work with
Ingmar Schumacher)
Presentations at international workshops
- 1st CEPR Workshop of the Research and Policy Network on AI, Paris, France, December 12, 2024
"The Economics of p(doom): Scenarios of Existential Risk and Economic Growth in the Age of Transformative AI" (joint work with Klaus Prettner)
- Macroeconomic Perspectives from the Past: Unveiling Long-Run Dynamics and Economic Structures, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy, November 18-19, 2024
"Hardware and Software: A New Perspective on the Past and Future of Economic Growth" (joint work with Julia Jabłońska and Aleksandra Parteka)
- Brookings AI Authors' Conference, ZOOM, May 1, 2024
"Hardware and Software: A New Perspective on the Past and Future of Economic Growth" (joint work with Julia Jabłońska and Aleksandra Parteka)
- 19th Joint NBP-SNB Seminar "Remittances and the Labor Market", NBP, Warszawa, Poland, November 27-28, 2023
"Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Julia Jabłońska and Aleksandra Parteka)
- 10th Summer Workshop on Macroeconomics and Finance, SGH, Warszawa, Poland, July 4-6, 2022
"Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Technological Change, the Future of Jobs and the Labor Share of Income, FEP, Porto, Portugal, September 24, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- 8th Summer Workshop, NBP, Warszawa, Poland, July 8-12, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- 7th Summer Workshop, NBP, Warszawa, Poland, June 11-15, 2018
"On the Optimal Labor Income Share" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- 6th Hurwicz Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, December 2-3, 2016
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions" (joint work with Jakub Mućk)
- 5th Summer Workshop, NBP, Warszawa, Poland, June 20-24, 2016
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions" (joint work with Jakub Mućk)
- 3rd Summer Workshop, NBP, Warszawa, Poland, June 30-July 4, 2014
"Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Current Trends in Macroeconomic and Finance Research (1st Summer Workshop), NBP, Warszawa, Poland, July 2-13, 2012
"Factor-Augmenting Technology Choice and the Aggregate CES Production Function"
- Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) Workshop, Saariselka, Finland, December 13-14, 2010
"Trusting Only Whom You Know, Knowing Only Whom You Trust: The Joint Impact of Social Capital and Trust on Individuals' Economic Performance in CEE Countries" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- 5th MICRO-DYN Workshop, Madrid, Spain, September 17-18, 2009
"Firm-Level Determinants of the Labor Share: Evidence from Poland"
- Global Development Network (GDN) August Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, August 9-10, 2009
"Trusting Only Whom You Know, Knowing Only Whom You Trust: The Joint Impact of Social Capital and Trust on Individuals' Economic Performance in CEE Countries" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec)
- Doctoral Workshop in Economics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 24-25, 2007
"Human Capital, Aggregation, and Growth"
- Doctoral Workshop in Economics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 18-19, 2006
"The >>Amoeba<< Theory of R&D and Its Growth Implications" (joint work with
Ingmar Schumacher)
- Doctoral Workshop in Economics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, January 26-27, 2006
"On Technical Change in the Elasticities of Resource Inputs" (joint work with
Ingmar Schumacher)
Presentations at seminars
- University of Virginia, Seminar invited by Anton Korinek, February 7, 2024
"Hardware, Software, and the Future of Economic Growth in the Digital Era" (online)
- University of Luxembourg, Lunch Seminar in Economics: May 3, 2023
"200 000 Years of Economic Growth"
- European Investment Bank, Luxembourg, March 28, 2023
"Immigration from Ukraine and Perspectives for Economic Growth in Poland" (online)
- Poznań University of Economics and Business, March 17, 2023
"200 000 lat wzrostu gospodarczego" [200 000 Years of Economic Growth] (online)
- University of Leipzig, Economics Research Seminar: April 5, 2017
"Social Network Structure and the Trade-Off Between Social Utility and Economic Performance" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec and Bogumił Kamiński)
- Poznań University of Economics and Business, December 3, 2016
"Theoretical Underpinnings of the CES Production Functions and Its Generalizations"
- University of Luxembourg, Lunch Seminar in Economics: June 16, 2016
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions" (joint work with Jakub Mućk)
- University of Copenhagen, EPRU and MEHR seminars: September 11, 2015; September 17, 2015
- Celebration of SGH Day, invited lecture "O wynagrodzeniu kapitału i pracy" [On the Remuneration of Capital and Labor], April 9, 2014
- Symposium of the Foundation for Polish Science "Life, Universe, and Everything Else", November 30, 2013
"Skąd bierze się długookresowy wzrost gospodarczy?" [What Drives Long-Run Economic Growth?]
- Committee for Economic Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, November 26, 2013
"Zagregowana funkcja produkcji w ekonomii wzrostu gospodarczego i konwergencji" [The Aggregate Production Function in the Economics of Growth and Convergence]
- National Bank of Poland, Economic Institute Seminar: March 15, 2019; September 24, 2018; May 26, 2017; May 28, 2013; May 9, 2012; September 21, 2011; November 9, 2010; January 5, 2010; January 6,
- SGH, Seminar intoDIGITAL: January 18, 2024, available on YouTube (PL)
- SGH, Seminar of Department of Economics II: November 29, 2018
- Warsaw Econ Seminar: October 29, 2020; January 16, 2020; January 10, 2019; October 12, 2017; March 9, 2017; February 26, 2015; May 15, 2012; October 11, 2011
- Warsaw School of Economics, Economic Seminar: November 30, 2010; March 2, 2010; March 17, 2009; May 6, 2008; October 2,
- University of Trento, CIFREM seminar: March 14, 2011; March 24, 2011
Presentations at Polish conferences
- Konferencja Katedry Filozofii SGH "Prakseologia, etyka, sztuczna inteligencja" [Conference of SGH Chair of Philosophy "Praxeology, ethics, AI"], Warsaw, Poland, December 3, 2024
"Zagrożenie egzystencjalne ze strony transformatywnej sztucznej inteligencji" [Existential risk from transformative AI]
- AI Spring. Sztuczna inteligencja w naukach ekonomicznych [AI in economic sciences], TEAMS, May 8, 2024
"Sztuczna inteligencja i wzrost gospodarczy w perspektywie technologicznej osobliwości" [AI and economic growth in the perspective of technological singularity]
- 5th ICEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference 2023, Warsaw, Poland, September 21-22, 2023
"Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Julia Jabłońska and Aleksandra Parteka)
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2023, Warsaw, Poland, July 4-5, 2023
"Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Julia Jabłońska and Aleksandra Parteka)
- 4th RCEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference 2022, Warsaw, Poland, September 20-21, 2022
"Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find? R&D Capital and the Idea Production Function" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Konferencja im. prof. Z. Czerwińskiego "Matematyka i informatyka na usługach ekonomii" [Conference named after Prof. Z. Czerwiński: "Mathematics and computer science in the service of economics"], TEAMS, September 16, 2022
"Industry 4.0? Framing the Digital Revolution and Its Long-Run Growth Consequences"
- Sopot Conference on Modelling Contemporary Economies (Modelowanie i prognozowanie gospodarki narodowej), TEAMS, June 21-22, 2021
Keynote: "The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- Jubileuszowy Zjazd Matematyków Polskich w stulecie PTM, sesja "Matematyka w ekonomii i finansach", Kraków, Poland, September 6-7, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2019, Warsaw, Poland, July 2-4, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- Jean Monnet Symposium "Realna i nominalna konwergencja w UE - Czy Polska chce i może dogonić Europę?" [Real and Nominal Convergence in the EU: Is Poland Able and Willing to Catch Up with Europe?], Gdańsk, Poland, June 24, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- 2nd RCEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference 2019, Warsaw, Poland, May 10-11, 2019
"The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI"
- "Produktywność gospodarki. Uwarunkowania, determinanty, perspektywy", NBP/TEP/UWr, Wrocław, Poland, April 12, 2019
Participation in a panel session "Rozchodzące się ścieżki produktywności i wynagrodzeń - przyczyny i wyzwania na przyszłość"
[Diverging paths of productivity and remuneration - causes and challenges for the future]
Membership in the conference Program Committee
- "Innowacyjna gospodarka. Rola polityki ekonomicznej", BUW, Warsaw, Poland, September 13-14, 2018
"Postęp technologiczny a perspektywy długotrwałego spowolnienia wzrostu" [Technological progress and the perspectives of secular stagnation]
- 1st RCEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference 2018, Warsaw, Poland, May 25-26, 2018
"The Digital Era, Viewed From a Perspective of Millennia of Economic Growth"
"On the Optimal Labor Income Share" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Macromodels 2017, Wąsowo, Poland, November 14-16, 2017
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions" (joint work with Jakub Mućk)
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2016, Warsaw, Poland, June 28-30, 2016
"Mapping the Dimensions of Social Capital" (joint work with Katarzyna Growiec and Bogumił Kamiński)
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2015, Warsaw, Poland, July 2-4, 2015
"Isoelastic Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions"
- "Wzrost gospodarczy - rynek pracy - innowacyjność gospodarki", Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź, Poland, June 26-27, 2014
"Endogenous Labor Share Cycles: Theory and Evidence" (joint work with Peter McAdam and Jakub Mućk)
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2013, Warsaw, Poland, July 4-6, 2013
"On the Modeling of Size Distributions When Technologies Are Complex"
- Macromodels 2010, Pułtusk, Poland, December 1-4, 2010
"The Shape of Aggregate Production Functions: Evidence from Estimates of the World Technology Frontier" (joint work with
Anna Pajor, Dorota Pelle and Artur Prędki)
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2010, Warsaw, Poland, July 2-4, 2010
"On the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries"
- IV Otwarte Seminarium Wydziału Informatyki i Gospodarki Elektronicznej, UE Poznań, Poznań, Poland, May 21, 2010
the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries"
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2009, Warsaw, Poland, July 3-5, 2009
"Decomposing Productivity Growth in OECD Countries: Domestic R&D Vs. International
Technology Diffusion" (joint work with Dorota Pelle and Łukasz Marć)
- "Wzrost gospodarczy - rynek pracy - innowacyjność gospodarki", Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź, Poland, June 2009
płac do wydajności pracy w Polsce: ujęcie sektorowe"
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2008, Warsaw, Poland, July 4-6, 2008
"Knife-Edge Conditions in the Modeling of Long-Run Growth Regularities"
- Macromodels 2007, Raszyn, Poland, December 5-8, 2007
"Production Functions and Distributions of Unit Factor Productivities: Uncovering the Link"
- Warsaw International Economics Meeting 2007, Warsaw, Poland, July 6-8, 2007
"Human Capital, Aggregation, and Growth"
- Macromodels 2006, Zakopane, Poland, November 28 - December 2, 2006
"Technological Opportunity, Human Capital, and Balanced Growth" (joint work with
Ingmar Schumacher)
Organization of conferences
- Member of Scientific Committee: SGH PhD Students' Conference Nauka odpowiedzią na niepewność / Science – the answer to uncertainty, SGH, Warszawa, 29.02-2.03.2024
- 50 Years Anniversary of Scientific Research by Prof. Andrzej Sławiński, SGH, Warszawa, 12.05.2023
- Member of Programme Committee: ICEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conferences, 2022-23
- Research workshop "Pasja i mistrzostwo w pisaniu prac naukowych" [Passion and mastery in writing research papers] (with E. Ziemba and T. Doligalski), within the conference "Computer science in management", SGH (27/11/2024)
- Webinar "Jak pisać artykuły naukowe do wysoko punktowanych czasopism?" [How to write research papers addressed to high-impact journals?], SGH (6/06/2023)
- Participation in preparing the reports on advanced AI:
- Tom Davidson (2021), "Could Advanced AI Drive Explosive Economic Growth?", Open Philanthropy
- Tom Davidson (2023), "What a Compute-Centric Framework Says About Takeoff Speeds", Open Philanthropy
- Zershaaneh Qureshi (2025), "Pathways to Short TAI Timelines", Convergence Analysis
- Deric Cheng et al. (2025), "Threshold 2030: Modeling AI Economic Futures", Convergence Analysis
- Participation in conferences without presentation:
- Productivity Dynamics After the Crisis, Banque de France, Paris, France, June 18, 2018
- NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge MA, USA, July 10-11, 2009
Attendance in sessions: "Economic Growth Small Group Workshop", "Economic Fluctuations and Growth"
- Participation in conferences addressed to economic policymakers or popularizing science:
- SGH-EUI Conference "The role of research in developing policies towards reducing inequalities and building resilience in Europe".
Session organization and introduction: "Macroeconomic and institutional underpinnings of convergence in the CEE region" (Warsaw, 14/11/2024)
- Threshold 2030: Modeling AI Economic Futures. A 2-day, in-person expert conference combining scenario modeling and forecasting.
Organized by Convergence Analysis, Metaculus and Future of Life Institute (Boston, USA, 30-31/10/2024)
- 5th NBP-MNB Conference "Growth Perspectives in Times of Technological Changes and Booming AI".
Participation in discussion panel "Global growth perspectives in a world of digital innovation and AI" (Warsaw, 15/09/2023).
- World Copernican Congress. Participation in discussion panel "Macreoconomic forecasting. Theory and practice" (Kraków, 26/05/2023).
- 10th Flagship NBP Conference on the Future of the European Economy (CoFEE) "Central Europe's Convergence".
Participation in discussion panel "Drivers of Growth and Convergence of Central European Economies" (Warsaw, 21/10/2022).
- 3rd NBP-MNB Conference "Structural Changes in Central European Economies During and After the Covid Pandemic".
Participation in discussion panel "Structural changes caused by the Covid pandemic in Central Europe" (Warsaw, 1/10/2021).
- 8th Flagship NBP Conference on the Future of the European Economy (CoFEE) "The Mystery of Low Productivity Growth in Europe".
Participation in discussion panel "Long-Term Aspects" (Warsaw, 26/10/2018).
- Participation in discussion panels: INE PAN (25/04/2013), Festiwal Nauki - UW (21/09/2013), TEP (15/06/2015), Kongres Makroekonomiczny SGH (23/11/2016), teaching conference "Metody ilościowe w ekonomii: czas na zmiany" (Łódź, 11/06/2018), Kongres Makroekonomiczny SGH (8/11/2021).
- Participation in a popular science event: Dom Kultury Kadr, discussion on Economy 4.0 (15/05/2019).
- Participation in a review panel at COST Association (2016, 2018).
- Participation in expert panels at NCN (2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2023): Opus HS4, Sonata HS4 (2 times), Preludium HS4 (2 times), Sonata Bis HS, Miniatura HS4.
- Participation in expert panel at NAWA (2020-21).
- Participation in expert panel at FNP (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024).
- Participation in Recruitment and Employment Committee, WNE UW (2020-24)
- Participation in habilitation committees:
- Jurij Renkas (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie), 2023, reviewer
- Kamil Makieła (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie), 2021, reviewer
- Maciej Jakubowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2020, reviewer
- Beata Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk (Uniwersytet Warszawski), 2019-20, reviewer
- Łukasz Balbus (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski), 2019-20, secretary
- Zbigniew Przygodzki (Uniwersytet Łódzki), 2019, reviewer
- Łukasz Jabłoński (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie), 2017, reviewer
- Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz (Politechnika Gdańska), 2015, member
- Marcin Kolasa (SGH), 2014, secretary
- Review for Honorary Doctorate:
- Prof. Oded Galor (Brown University, review for Nicholas Copernicus University in Toruń), 2024
- Publication reviews:
- Artur Prędki (UE Kraków), "Modelowanie zmienności danych w ramach metody DEA" [Modeling Data Variability with DEA], 2016
- Aleksandra Parteka (Politechnika Gdańska), "Dywersyfikacja handlu zagranicznego a rozwój gospodarczy" [International Trade Diversification and Economic Development], 2015
- Open access review: Qeios (2023) - 2 times, DOI 1, DOI 2
- Refereed for (2025): Post-Communist Economies.
- Refereed for (2024): Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics, PLOS ONE, Cities, Applied Economics, Cogent Economics & Finance, Wiadomości Statystyczne.
- Refereed for (2023): American Economic Review Insights, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Happiness Studies, Economics Letters (2 times), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Social Indicators Research, Post-Communist Economies, Economics E-Journal, Contemporary Economic Policy (2 times), Applied Research in Quality of Life, French Institutes of Advanced Study (FIAS) (6 times), NBP Working Papers.
- Refereed for (2022): Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2 times), Social Indicators Research (2 times), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2 times), Macroeconomic Dynamics, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Ekonomista (2 times), Przegląd Statystyczny, NAWA (4 times), CHANSE Consortium (EU) (2 times), Fulbright Commission Poland, French Institutes of Advanced Study (FIAS) (5 times), NBP Working Papers.
- Refereed for (2021): Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Happiness Studies, Social Indicators Research (4 times), Journal of Economic Inequality, Macroeconomic Dynamics (2 times), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (3 times), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Applied Economics Letters, Sustainability (2 times), French Institutes of Advanced Study (FIAS).
- Refereed for (2020): Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Happiness Studies, PLOS One, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Societies, Economies, CEJEME (2 times), Economics and Business Review (Poznań, 2 times), Control and Cybernetics (IBS PAN), Leverhulme Trust (UK).
- Refereed for (2019): Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Happiness Studies (2 times), Social Indicators Research (5 times), Macroeconomic Dynamics (2 times), Frontiers in Sociology, Symmetry, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2 times), Applied Economics Letters, Central European Economic Journal, Economics and Business Review (Poznań), Bank of Lithuania Working Papers.
- Refereed for (2018): Journal of Economic Growth, Social Indicators Research (2 times), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2 times), Oxford Economic Papers, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Wiadomości Statystyczne.
- Refereed for (2017): Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2 times), Macroeconomic Dynamics, Social Indicators Research, Journal of Happiness Studies, European Journal of Social Psychology, Computational Statistics, Economic Modelling (2 times), Review of World Economics - Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Bulletin of Geography - Socio-economic Series (BGSS), Narodowe Centrum Nauki (2 times), NBP Working Papers.
- Refereed for (2016): Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Growth (2 times), Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2 times), Journal of Happiness Studies, Social Indicators Research (3 times), Empirical Economics, Review of World Economics - Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Outlook on Agriculture, Operations Research and Decisions, Baltic Journal of Economics, Przegląd Statystyczny, Wiadomości Statystyczne, Ekonomia, Studia Ekonomiczne, NBP Working Papers.
- Refereed for (2015): Social Indicators Research (3 times), Journal of Happiness Studies (2 times), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Macroeconomic Dynamics (4 times), Empirical Economics, European Societies, Resources Policy, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Computational Statistics, Baltic Journal of Economics, Ekonomia, Przegląd Statystyczny, Narodowe Centrum Nauki.
- Refereed for (2014): Economic Journal, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Social Indicators Research, Applied Economics, Research in Economics, European Societies (2 times), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Eastern European Economics, Narodowe Centrum Nauki (7 times), Roczniki KAE (2 times), Journal of Management and Financial Sciences (SGH).
- Refereed for (2006-13): American Economic Review (2 times); Journal of Economic Theory; Journal of Economic Growth (6 times);
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (4 times); Macroeconomic Dynamics (4 times); Economica (2 times); Oxford Economic Papers; Economics Letters; Journal of Happiness Studies; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Journal of Mathematical Economics; Journal of Public Economic Theory (2 times); Berkeley Electronic Journals in Macroeconomics (4
times); Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Regional Science (2 times); Empirical Economics; Economic Modelling (2 times); Eastern European Economics; Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics (3 times); Bank i Kredyt (3 times); Global Development Network RRC (3 times); NBP Working Papers; Narodowe Centrum Nauki; Roczniki KAE (4 times); Badania statutowe SGH (3 times)
- Member of: European Economic Association (since Feb. 2008), Royal Economic Society (2011, 2020), American
Economic Association (2011, 2016), Econometric Society (2015, 2017)